
Friday, April 22, 2016

Just Because Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... just because.


  1. OK i've been staring at this for about 2 and a half hours (I might have noted off in a fugue for some of it) but I can't find the cuddly polar bear! I give up.

  2. DaBlade: I'm sorry if you're blind, but it's quite obvious.

  3. DaBlade: I meant that as a joke, OK? Just hope you know.

  4. It must be a bittersweet Cat Blog Friday for you. I'm going to give our cat a hug. She won't like it much but I will.

  5. Jan: It IS a tough Cat Blog Friday for me. It is very sweet that you'd force your cat into a hug for our sake. That's very sweet. Thank you.

  6. Just because works for me. Very well too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. Jan & Sandee: Thank you, guys. Luv ya both

  8. We love them because. Hugs to you and your family.

  9. I would give Luke a hug because he is my most lovable cat, however right now he is on one of his secret missions. I always worry but he always returns. You wouldn't know that he has been fixed because he still tomcats around. Or perhaps he is just sharing the love with another family in the neighborhood.

  10. Yes I know that ;) and of course my silly comment was before I knew you grieved for your friend.

  11. Granny Annie: Our cats are all fixed, male & female both, but once they've experienced the outdoors, they're aching to go out nonetheles. Perhaps it's just the hunting, or sharing the food others put out for them, but once they get a taste, it's a noisy mess trying to keep them indoors. It's a daily hassle.
