
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Pineapple Time

Politics is wearing me out ... so here's a pineapple.

I know it's small, but we grew it in our yard and we snatched it before the birds did.

I'll let you know if it's tasty.

[The BLOG's editor: By the way, I grew up in New York City. so the fact that I grew this thing out of the earth is a very big deal to me.]


  1. BTW: we have some plantains in the works, too.

  2. Very impressive. Let us know if you are the new Dole

  3. Yep, politics suck.

    Very cool looking pineapple. One of my favorite fruits.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Give me a pineapple over politics any day. Congratulations on the great gardening!

  5. Cube, I can identify with that. When we lived in Tempe, we grew our own grapefruit and lemons. Nothing like going to the back yard and plucking a lemon when you need one.

  6. Jan: I wanted you the first to know that, yes, I am the new Dole.

  7. Sandee: I usually love politics, but only when they're blowing my way. This week is not my style.
    As far as pineapples go, they're a favorite at our house. They're my kind of plant because they're so easy to grow.

  8. Granny Annie: I think I'm always going to love politics, but, right now, I've had my fill with the DNC nonsense. As far as pineapples go, I love them because they're so easy to grow. Just chop the top of one and stick it into the grouud and you'll get a new pineapple. It's that easy. I love it.

  9. Congratulations on growing a pineapple! Hope it's delicious!

  10. Messymimi: Thank you for your congratualitons. It's funny that I would be posting a pic of something I grew because my parents are master gardeners. They graft incredible plants. One of my favorites was a small orange tree that they grafted four other citrus plants onto it and on one branch you'd get a tangerine, another a navel orange, another a tangelo, and I remember some grapefruit. It sounds Frankensteininan, doesn't it?
