
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

The Red Queen Slinks Away Again

Washington Has Been Obsessed With Punishing Secrecy Violations - Until Hillary

If it didn't mean the extinction of all life on this planet, I would pray for a meteorite strike... OK, maybe just a small one that forces her out of the election.

I can dream, can't I?


  1. Most corrupt administration in my lifetime.

    Have a fabulous day and yes you can dream. ☺

  2. Orwell had it right, she's more equal than any of us going back to those cattle futures. A pathological liar who wants to be commander-in-chief.

  3. The outcome did not surprise me one bit, and i'm sad that it didn't.

  4. I wasn't alive during the Tamanny Hall scandal either, so it's the worst I've seen in America. I'd have to delve into international history, i.e., the Borgias to come close to the Macheavellian nature of the clintons,

  5. Jan: In hindsight, it's as though Orwell had a crystal ball.

  6. Messymimi: I wasn't surprised either, but I hoped that someome in the FBI would have some gumption. I guess gumption for the rule of law is outdated nowadays.

  7. I'm guessing there are quite a lot of good and honest FBI agents. They put together a fantastic amount of prosecutorial evidence against her. It's the corrupt and political leadership that put a muzzle on it. No surprise here about any of this anymore.
