
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

As The Worm Turns

A little pic I doctored back in 2008 came in handy today...

GREECE IN FLAMES: Riots In Athens At Obama's Visit As Greeks Scream 'Barack Go Home'

How do you say hello Donald Trump in Greek?


  1. I'm sure we'll find out soon.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Sandee: I think you're right. heh heh.

  3. Did the Greeks ever STOP rioting? I thought we all just got tired of reading about them.

  4. Jan: I know I'm supposed to be the science/math nerd in our group, but I'm also well trained in literature and the Greek classics. The election of 2016 can very well seen as a Greek tragedy depending on your political point of view. King Narcissicus is angered at the upstart outsider, Trumpius.

    Well, we all know that ended.

  5. Cube, as I responded to you at my blog, I was going to post JUST this thing are SO RIGHT...he clearly said "Elections have consequences....I won"
    Imagine if Trump SAID THAT? OMG!

    Instead , I think I'm posting on some of the amazing stuff I'm hearing on CNN lately...yes, I like to hear but can't for too long without freaking out.

    hint: We've gone from Greek Classics to SHAKESPEAREAN....I swear. Come look tomorrow :-)

    Say PAREV to Mr. Cube for me! XXXX

  6. Good Pic. Greeks may not like anyone. They're libtards.

  7. Z: Obama did say he WON, but his administration never reached the number one, some even referred to him as zero, but when the tale is told in history, he'll be lucky to end up in the high negative numbers. If I were him, i'd take the zero.

  8. Kid: Thanks, that pic was an early attempt at altering photos without photoshop. It did made my political point and the fact that I could tie Star Trek into was the most fun ever. A Star Trek tie in is always good at The BLOG.

  9. "ad interitum" is a difficult item to pin down.

  10. Live Long Cube, and Prosper of course.

  11. Kid: Absolutely, you must have the prosper part. Who knew, way back when, that Vulcans were such capitalists?
