
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bookworms Only

16 Gifts For The Bookworm In Your Life

Some nice stocking stuffers for the book lovers in your life.


  1. Hubby and I are avid readers and there are book cases in more than one room and they are full. We love books.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I am finally weeding some out to donate to the local library. I'm out of bookcase room.

  3. Sandee: We're avid readers and so are our girls, consequently, there are books everywhere. It really burns my hide when I know I have a book, but I can't find it. Arrggh.

  4. Jan: I'm of two minds about that. Half of me suggests you get some new bookcases, but the other half thinks weeding out some books and donating them is a good idea. My problem is that I have many that are out of print and am unwilling to part with them. My daughter, who is a huge fan of Dante's Divine Comedy, and I were talking about that and also a book of child-appropriate mythology that I bought for her long ago. I found Dante, but I'm still hunting for the white mythology book with Icarus on the cover that my daughter is nostalgic for. I hate it when I can't find a book!!!! I need to organize my bookcases better.
