
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome Back, Winston

BUST OF FRIENDS: Donald Trump Has Asked For Bust Of Winston Churchill To Be Put Back In The Oval Office After Obama Replaced It With Martin Luther King

I guess there wasn't enough room in the Oval Office for two busts.


  1. I LOVE IT! The only thing that could possibly make this story even more delicious is if Trump sent them a bust of Obama, only to have them very publicly return it in several pieces.

  2. Excellent. It's time things got back to something normal. It's been a joke for eight years.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. DaBlade: I'd pay money to see that happen.

  4. Sandee: I can't agree more. Nine more days.

  5. Churchill should and could never be replaced.

  6. Messymimi: Churchill is irreplaceable, but removing his bust was just one more poke in America's eye by obama. Today, by calling for it's return, Trump is poking obama's eye. I love it.

  7. Churchill is one of my most admired humans and not just because he owned Poodles.

  8. Jan: Oh comon, if Atailla the Hun loved poodles you'd begrudge him a few villages here and there. I'm just teasing. I love Churchill, warts and all, and I forgive him the fact that he didn't favor Chihuahuas, German Shepherds, or cats ;)

  9. islam has nothing in common with a free or civilized society - it's that simple.
    Close the mosques for starters.
