
Saturday, March 11, 2017

DDT Banner Speaks

You may not know his name, but you know what he did in 1972 as an EPA administrator:

Mass-Murdering Bureaucrat Tells Trump How To Run EPA

I guess Mr. Ruckelshaus doesn't know that we've had enough of him and his views.


  1. I didn't know the whole back story on DDT, but i do know that the EPA tried to get spilt milk declared a toxic substance subject to their regulations.They have been out of control.

  2. I think Trump is going to work on all these issues that have bogged us down for so very long. So many crooks tending to the flocks. Got to stop that and we are headed in the right direction.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Jan: I knew some of the back story on DDT because of my science background, but I didn't know all of it. The real crime is how Ruckelshaus was able turn our country's science up on it's head when he had no science on his side. WTF.

    This happened in 1972. I was just a kid.

    I'm not going to let it happen again.

  4. Sandee: I can only hope Trump bonks on all of these nasty issues. I pray for his success because that success will signal the success of the country.

  5. They never give up, though, once they start trying, and especially once they get a taste of power.

  6. There is no doubt in my mind, that all this environmental crapola has been centered around corporate profits or political agendas. If we're talking about foreign low income, high need, high population increased rates, then we're probably also talking about murder/genocide in those areas by evil Stalin-like people obsessed with population control.

    I've seen articles talking about Americans pushing for population control in America. you know it would be no thing for these kinds of people to be pushing genocide of nations who cannot self-subsist and are a drain on world resources. I'm sure there are other ways to solve those types of problems without genocide but the 'world' is too greedy for those solutions to present themselves in sufficient quantity to do any good.

    A Mother Theresa is about as significant in the overall scheme of things as a grain of sand on the beach.

  7. Well, this gentleman IS getting a medal of some kind from Obama, so he must have done something magnificent. Maybe he's not a real scientist, but I trust he consulted with Bill Nye on the science of his policies.

  8. Messymimi: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  9. Kid: I can only hope our future isn't as dystopic as your comment.

  10. mmo hao: Way to stay on topic, mmo hao. Thank you so much for taking up my comment space with your crass advertisement. Perhaps you should focus on blogs that give a $hit about whatever you're peddling today.

  11. DaBlade: These awards are becoming increasingly meaningless. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing and Ruckelshaus wasn't even a scientist but was enabled to make scientific decisions for the world at large. There is something very wrong with this picture.
