
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tempus Fugit


What time is it?

It's heavy metal time.

Not really. Just a cool gif I ran across.


  1. very creative and hypnotic.

  2. This immediately made me giggle! Thanks. I have a nephew who drums in a heavy metal band, he might laugh too!

  3. Yes! Because metal heads are nothing if not punctual :)

  4. Well that would drive me crazy.

  5. Jan: Very creative, yes, but I can only take a few seconds of it at a time.

  6. Snaggle Tooth: I'm glad you liked it. Hope your nephew does too :)

  7. DaBlade: Lol. It's more like time travel with them.

  8. Granny Annie: I liked the creativity of the gif, but I couldn't take more than a few seconds of it before I had to look away.

  9. Jan: Superimposing a guitar at the 12 and 6 marks would be even more creative.

  10. I wonder if this app ever stops ...even when I shut down the computer? Hmmm...

  11. Kid: Nooooooo! ... what have I done?

  12. I'm just saying nothing ever stops, it only mutates. What have you done? We will find out !

  13. Kid: Mutates into what? I know what I know.

  14. Like I can predict a Mutation ! :-) Give me a category at least.

  15. Kid: You're right, mutations do happen and they're unpredictable. What does a category have to do with it???

  16. How can one comment about a mutation without context? libtard? gamma ray burst(s)? Ronald Reagan burst? Polish deli ham? 96% fat free buns? I must have context to continue! :)

  17. Kid: You started the mutation thing. I was talking about my thoughts about whether that silly metaldude app would keep going even when I powered off my laptop. You were the one who introduced mutationa into the conversation. I still know what what I know, but I'm not sure I know what you know.

  18. Cube, that's ok, I don't even know what I know. I guess I was saying time never stops it only mutates.

  19. Kid: I know that time can appear to move faster or slower to us relative to others in a different part of space-time, but I've never heard of it mutating. Perhaps if you define your use of the word mutation...

  20. It's the space time relationship that Einstein came up with, relating to time moving slower the faster you go. If someone was to travel at warp speed, or even the speed of light - 1 mph I guess since you can't actually go the speed of light and survive, and travel at that speed for say a half year out into space and a half year back to Earth, you would not have aged a year, but everybody here would have. People think of that as bending space time, but it could also be mutating time for a certain length of time.

  21. Kid: OK, I get what you mean by using the word mutation. If you had called it time dilation I would've known exactly what you meant.

  22. Thank you! I have corrected my faulty neurons. I just hope they stay corrected.

  23. Kid: I'll do my best to keep your neurons in line.
