
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dish Brain?

First thing this morning I went to the Drudge Report and I read this...

Chelsea Gets Another Award For Doing Nothing Special

then I read this...

Artificial Brains Grown In A Dish

And I wonder if there's a connection.


  1. Wait til she wins the Nobel prize. I love the way you connected these stories.

  2. I agree with Jan (above), Chelsea is on the fast track to receiving a Nobel Peace Prize. It would put her in good stead to run for the Dem nomination against Elizabeth (fake Indian) Warren in 2020

  3. I'm pretty sure there is a connection. I can't stand any of the Clinton's. None of them.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Jan: They just throw those Nobel prizes at people. I don't know why I haven't gotten mine yet. It must be lost in the mail.

  5. LL: The Fauxcahountas thing is haunting Warren... I don't know if she has the where-with-all of a Clinton who can survive pretty much everything like cockroaches can. Maybe Chelsea will be forced to run against herself and WIN! ;)

  6. Sandee: I'm sick of the Clintonian shenanigans. Now they're trying to foist their do-nothing, know-nothing daughter on us? Enough is enough.

  7. It's the sign of the times when everyone goes home with a prize.

  8. Sure there's a connection! Good catch!
    I remember thinking how embarrassed Obama had to have been upon winning the Nobel for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Then I remembered he's a leftist.

  9. Shelsea crinton killed Simon th3e rabbit.

    I read a blurb about this the other day. "clinton Machine" This horseface bitch isn't going away easily or anytime soon. Bernie would easily beat her in a primary however.

  10. I cannot stand for anyone to pick on Chelsea. She should get an award simply for being born into that family and making the best of it. Never blame a child for his or her parents. It truly breaks my heart.

  11. chelsea is just as evil as her parents. I give her nothing.
