
Monday, April 24, 2017

Tegu Terror?

Giant Lizard Invades Tampa; The Tegu, A Non-native Species, Devours Wildlife, Possibly Your Cat: Sharp Teeth, Aggressive Temper; Don't Mess With It

Like we didn't have enough to worry about in Florida, right? Breaking bad all over again.

Where's the good?

Well, there is the climate...


  1. Someone is bringing in new creatures to add to the terror?

  2. Jan: Apparently they were pets who were dumped here and who decided the weather was really good. Isn't that how we all got here... OK, except for the pet part ;)

  3. People who dump pets that are non-native species -- i will never comprehend such stupidity.

  4. That's the trouble with globalization. The black and white one appears to be from Argentinia. Probably some border crosser brought it.

    Thoush this article says they make good pets.

  5. Here in the Great Lakes they just open the bilge and let alien species out.

  6. Messimimi: Oh, I'm with you on that. It's awful, but stupid people do it all the time.

  7. Kid: The experts think they were dumped here from somewhere. I don't know if they're sure yet.
    I want to find one... I'll post a photo of me holding it... I'd rather run into one before my cats do.

  8. Ed Bonderenka: So that's where the "Alien" came from. I always thought it was LV 426. Who knew?

  9. Some can be deadly. Like the Hila Monster out in AZ. It has no gastro-evacuation system. Everything that goes through the mouth comes back out the mouth, and if one bites you you cannot get it to release. It kills you with the incredible bacteria from regurgitating its last meals.
    You probably knew that.

    I never saw one though. Most of these creatures are very private unless you Really get in their space. Hila Monster, Rattler, Black Widow, Scorpion, Gold Digger.

    1. I... Can't... This is most ridiculous comment...

  10. Kid: Gila monsters are very nasty, but I don't think the Florida Tegu lizards are venemous. I think they just go after prey as most animals do and, unfortunately, they happen to prey upon cats. Clearly, they're in the wrong habitat, but they're just doing what animals do to stay alive. They have to eat. It's unfortunate that someone put them in an environment where they don't belong.

  11. I want one of these suckers to come into my yard. I don't want them to meet my cats, but I want them to meet me. I'll wrassle (that's not a New York term, but I've been living in the south for a long time) one of these tegus down and make him sorry he chose my yard. That's what I want.
