
Saturday, May 20, 2017

No Bow Tow

Great Again. Unlike Obama, Trump Doesn't Bow To Saudi King

Do I need to add anything? If I do, please feel free to respond.


  1. It is very refreshing to say the least.

  2. HAHA! FANTASTIC!! Always happy to be reminded the contortionist-in-chief is gone!

  3. The Obama bow was a low point in our nation's history

  4. And the Trump reception was Historical for it's magnitude, respect and splendor. No other presidential visit even comes close.

  5. Seems you about covered it!

  6. That's an excellent bow guide - but I didn't see it in the NY Times. I wonder why not?

  7. Kathe W.: Yes, refreshing is one word to use for the bow guide and the bower-in-chief.

  8. DaBlade: Relief that he's out of office, but chagrin that he doesn't stop flapping those purple lips.

  9. Jan: Literally and figuaritively.

  10. Kid: From all accounts, I'm reading that it was a success. We'll see how it plays out in the next few days.

  11. Messymimi: The clever artist who drew it up covered it all. I merely borrowed it.

  12. LL: And you never will. I do believe we're on the equivalent of different planets when it comes to the NYT, et al.

  13. Cube, My analysis, comment I made elsewhere:

    I see Trump’s visit as:
    – good for America jobs and economy
    – had the ME setup that financial thing to put the hurt on terrorist money
    – Had talks with some oif the attendees heads of state and got a commitment to fight terror
    – Has a lot of muslms involved n fighting terror rather than sitting on the sidelines
    – Has made a very clear construct in that states will now visibly participate or call themselves out as not caring abot or supporting terror.
    – Best foot forward, necessary first step.
    – Ball in their court
    A+ for the visit.

  14. Kid: I hope your analysis is an accurate one.

  15. Cube, there is a 10% to 98% chance it is depending on which media source one subscribes to.

  16. Kid: The latter sounds like a CNN or MSNBC spread. I thought they were in the 7th percentile... even worse. It's yellow journalism at its yellowist.
