
Friday, June 16, 2017

Mean Spirits

BTW I had to search long and hard to get the above pro Trump graphic on google images. I kept getting anti Trump graphics. Thanks for that google.

Nebraska Dem Official Asked To Resign After Saying GOP Congressmen Crying On TV ‘So Funny’ Following Shooting

Chelsey Gentry-Tipton, the chair of the Nebraska Black Party Caucus refuses to resign after posting on Facebook, "Watching the congressman crying on live tv abt the trauma they experienced. Y is this so funny tho?"

This is the voice of the left.

I think if Chelsey had been a republican and she had made such a disgraceful remark about the shooting of an American congressman, don't you think she would've been fired by now?

And then there's the converse... yeah, you do the math.


  1. we are finding out how vicious and petty they have always been. Ugly isn't it?

  2. Jan: I always knew the left's bias was bad, but this has gone beyond the pale. Shooting at unarmed people because they disagree with you politically is indicative of serious derangement. Did this derangement occur after the election or was this man disturbed beforehand. I think this information will come out in time. Time will tell. Yes, it's ugly either way.

  3. Yea, this is the voice of the left. They're disgusting. I don't want them on the same planet with me. Send them to the cornfield please.

  4. Some Democrat operative from New Jersey is trying to make a name for himself by instituting a "hunt Republican congressmen movement." Imagine the anguished cry from the left if he was martyred...

  5. Messymimi: I can't ever remember it being this bad and I lived through the turbulent '60's.

  6. Kid: Lol. Yes, the cornfield, if only we could.

  7. LL: Is this for real? If so, I'd like to refer this "person" to the cornfield that Kid just brought up in the last comment. What a world.

  8. What they can't see right now is they are destroying what's left of their party. This will eventually do them in. It's a shame.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. If it happens it's no shame. democrats are America enemy # 1

  10. Sandee: I think it's gone beyond thinking right now because if they were thinking, it wouldn't have gone this far. It's more rabid right now than thinking.

  11. Kid: I want our country to be what I grew up thinking our country was. Yes, exceptional. I want that feeling back. We need to bring the dems back into thinking that too.

  12. dems aren't coming back. Their thinking is poisoned.

  13. Kid: I hope you're wrong about the fact that they can't come to reason. Half a country can't survive.

  14. Divorce time. Irreconcilable differences. I'm serious. No civil war, Split the country. And don't ask us for money.

  15. Kid: We can't do that. We need to find a way to get the lefties to see the rational way.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

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