
Friday, September 22, 2017

Who's Nasty?

Overreaction is an understatement when it comes to this woman. If you want to see the video, it's in the link. I don't want her nasty antics on The Blog:

Woman Screams At Veteran For Bringing Service Dog Into Restaurant - "It's Nasty"

Some people just don't know how to behave in public.


  1. I saw this this morning. She is a mess on steroids. Then she claimed people used racial slurs at here. I didn't hear any of that, but I did hear her call someone a 'ho'. There are too many of these folks.

    There was nasty alright, but it wasn't the vets service dog.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Sandee: Inappropriate behavior followed by pulling the race card to cover her a$$. Any normal person with an objection to service dogs would speak to the manager and/or go elsewhere. Some people feel they're entitled to eschew societal rules and do whatever they feel like doing because they think they can get away with it... and they usually do.

  3. It's yet another sad commentary on what the world has become.

  4. At least the dog was very well behaved.

  5. I wonder if her problem wasn't really with the veteran. How did he not put her in a choke hold neck twist guillotine I'll never understand.

  6. Messymimi: Sadly, there is no shortage of sad commentary in this world.

  7. DaBlade: You make a good point about her beef being with the veteran and not the dog. As for the choke hold, I'll just shut my mouth before I get into trouble ;)
