
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Wolf In The Fold

By Jove, I think this explains how we got our first dog...

Wolf Wanders Into This Town… What Happens To Him Truly Captures The Heart

Hmmm, these bipedal hominids have warm fire and they're willing to share food with us...

Very sweet.


  1. I hate those types of web pages where they give you a 2 or 3 sentence teaser then make you search for the "next" button among a bunch of other monetized spam ads. If you find the next page somehow to read the story, you have the same digital maze to wade and only another sentence or two of the actual story - this goes on for 20-some pages (or just 2 or 3 like me cuz I won't do it) anyway - NOT your fault. That said... Cool wolf. Not sure my dog would be smart enough not to challenge him.

  2. DaBlade: I know exactly what you're talking about re: the imbecile-run pages where you have to keep pushing the "next page" button like an imbecile yourself. I'm sorry to put you through that. I did like the story, well, except for the end.

    I don't know how our dogs would've reacted to a wolf either. Both of our German Shepherds were good dogs, but both were trained with command words that would instantly make them look like a serious threat. Maybe if we didn't connote a fear response our dogs would've been good to go with Romeo.

  3. Wolves have had such bad publicity through the ages it is great to read about one who doesn't want to eat everything in sight. My Poodles would have loved Romeo

  4. What i read of it, it's a great story. Yes, i think our first dogs were wolves that were simply more friendly to people.

  5. Jan: I hear you about the bad reputation that wolves have and that made this story so heartwarming... well, except for the end. Anyway, both of our GS girls were affectionate and kind to strangers unless they feared for us or we gave them the command attack code.

    We had some neighbors next door who were renting the property so we never knew what kind of neighbors we'd get. One day I saw a teenage boy at the end of my drive way alternately smoking and spitting. Well, I went out with my GS and she wasn't worried about this young guy at all until I whispered the attack code and she got up on her hind legs and let out her deep-throated intruder bark. All of a sudden he wasn't such a tough guy and he started explaining that he wasn't doing anything and that he was my neighbor. I gave him some friendly neighborly advice and he headed home and I never saw him again.

    As soon as I got into my house, my neighbor from across the street called. She saw the whole incident and almost called the police. I assured her that I didn't need the police with 104 pounds of German Shepherd at the end of my arm. I look at Romeo and he looks massive compared to my girls.

    Maybe they could've been friends. Who knows?

  6. Messymimi: It makes sense to me.

  7. Lots of mixed species things on youtube also. I love the stuff. Cat and crow make friends and play, or cat and owl, cheetah and dog (They have that at Cincinnati Zoo).

    Animals are much more civilized than humans. They only kill in either self-defense or to eat and stay alive. Well they will kill to mate also. Humans kill for a million more reasons.

  8. As soon as DaBlade commented I knew I would not move forward. But I do love the concept of your post and the great photo at the beginning. I believe all those "Next" "Next" "Next" posts are hackers.

  9. Annie, Could be hackers, but more likely advertisement revenue seekers. Each next click shows you 100 more ads.

  10. Kid: I love those unusual friendships too. They are at times hard to believe.

    I would say some animals are more civilized than some humans. There are violent freaks on both sides.

  11. Granny Annie: I think those "Next" posters are mostly out for advertising $ and not hackers. Those posts are a pain in the butt, but I just had to know the end of the wolf story.
