
Friday, November 10, 2017

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cleverly arranged clowder of cats.

Happy Friday everybody and watch your step.


  1. How did they get cats to remain still for the photo?

    There are a lot of eternal questions like that: if you drop buttered bread, why does it always splat butter-side down? and Why does the mainstream media (corrupt and smug) always lie?

  2. That mama definitely knows how to raise her children to behave.

  3. I would hire that car trainer

  4. And I linked this post to Feline Friday. I just had to.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. ☺

  5. Unlike my dog, who likes to try and trip me when using the stairs, these kitties have moved to one side to make room for their human house mates to get by unobstructed. Good Kitties!

  6. LL: You raise some good questions which, unfortunately, have no answers.

    Re: the lying MSM, people lie for different reasons, sure there is the occasional pathological liar, but mainly for their own benefit. Imagine being an up and coming young conservative looking for a good job in journalism, academia, or entertainment today. In those fields, it pays to be liberal, whether they actually believe the madness or just going along for the perks.

  7. Granny Annie: Yes, mama is at the top of the stairs where she can keep an eye on her babies.

  8. Jan: Whether it's the photographer and staff or the mama cat, there is a good cat wrangler there.

  9. Sandee: Thank you. I just saw your little faux lynx pic. Too cute.

  10. DaBlade: Cats get such a bad rap. They're not all selfish, narcissistic and arrogant beasties. With the right inducement, (read bribe), some can be quite thoughtful and sweet.

  11. What a gaggle of beautiful kittehs. My Erica kitteh was just running around the house in a frenzy to get some exercise since winter has arrived here. She's resting comfortably on my desk now helping with my typing. I've been trying to talk myself out of heading for Walmart to do some Wally Walking. After watching her I thought,"If she can do it, so can I." Good kitteh.

  12. Adrienne: Make sure you find a pair of baggy pajamas to wear before you go to Walmart ;)

    We have three cats. They run around, too, and then sleep for 6 hours.

  13. you have extreemly well trained cats...chuckle!

  14. Kathe W. They must have a very good cat herder.

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