
Saturday, November 04, 2017

Organized Chaos

Albert Einstein’s Princeton office exactly as he left it when he died on April 18th, 1955.

Messy desk, messy bookcase... it's nice to know that I have something in common with Mr. Einstein.

Organized chaos, indeed.


  1. One thing i have figured out cleaning offices -- that desk owner knows exactly where every piece of paper is, you may pick it up and clean under it, but you had better put it back exactly the way you found it!

  2. The plaque on my desk read "A messy desk is a sign of genius". Now I know where that idea came from.

  3. Just looking at that picture makes me break out in hives. I guess that makes me not a genius - or something.

  4. Messymimi: You are so right. I used to blow a fuse when my girls or my husband would mess with the stuff on my desk. There was method to the madness that was my desk.

  5. I can get pretty messy too. It's the way I roll.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind.

  7. Granny Annie: I don't know about genius, but for me it boils down to being too busy to worry about putting everything in its place.

  8. Adrienne: My husband's family is like that except for my husband. I married the only messy one in the family :)

  9. Sandee: It's how I roll too :)

  10. Jan: I wouldn't go that far, but I would say that my thoughts are well organized unlike my desk.

  11. I have a very uncluttered desk. So there you have it.

  12. Kid: Oh, you're one of those people.

    Nah, just teasing. To each his own. Messy or neat, it's meaningless.
