
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Still Feeling The Full

The leftovers live on and I'm near the point where I will need someone to roll me about the place.


  1. Myself and my merry band of Oompa Loompa's would be thrilled to roll you around.

  2. The left-overs have been expended and I'm sort of getting back to normal.

  3. We have enough leftover turkey for at least three pots of gumbo.

  4. My children brought Thanksgiving here and then left with most of it, leaving me only enough for myself. This year I did not "pig out" and that is what I am thankful for.

  5. I chased the Thursday feast with a large quantity of beer and junk food consumed in my cousin dr. hirkimer's basement for the annual "Friday night day after Thanksgiving dude family poker game". Yesterday was spent trying to recuperate but I felt like a pile of gibblets all day. The wife made me oatmeal this morning. I think soup is in order for later today.

  6. We didn't do the leftover thing this year. We just had a meal and then we were done. I didn't even gain any weight for a change. I liked that. I do remember though and it makes me so miserable that we just don't do the leftover thing anymore.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. Awesome list and resources! You pretty much have the whole industry covered in this one.
