
Monday, December 11, 2017

The New Power

Woke Conservatives And The Awesome Power Of Not Caring

We need to use this power.


  1. Terms like racist, bigot, etc have pretty much lost their meaning from overuse.

  2. I think it is very telling that the libtards hate us, but we just laugh at them.

  3. I read that and, as usual, Kurt was spot on. I avoid them all like the purple plague they are.

  4. They tried Russia. They tried racist, bigot, and a laundry list of other not so king adjectives. Now they are back on women. None of it has worked and the new twist over women won't work either.

    I'm ever so happy to wake up each morning and our President is Donald J. Trump.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. Jan: I think they have overplayed those terms, but there are lots of voters out there that don't know any better.

  6. Sandee: Girl, your comment made my heart swell. I can't agree more. So here's to *clink* your coffee mug this morning.
