
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Right Again, Rush

Rush: 'Reason Hillary Isn’t Charged Is Because...Obama Would Have to Be Exposed'

I have to agree with Rush. According to the left, obama's legacy MUST be protected at ALL cost.



  1. I agree with this. No matter what Obama did or didn't do he'll be protected. He'll have not a hint of any wrong doing. He and Hillary are two of the biggest crooks out there.

    I saw a Facebook post that puts Trump as the worst president and Obama at #8. How can you do this when Trump has only been in office for just over a year? They are desperate.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. If we had done what BO and HC did, we would have a long time behind bars. Where are investigative reporters?

  3. Sandee: For sure. There will be streets, boulevards and buildings named after obola and statues and monuments erected in his image. I wouldn't be surprised if they put his jug-eared head up on Mt. Rushmore. That asshat is the biggest fraud perpetrated upon the United States of America and the democrats pulled it off.

  4. Jan: That is a rhetorical question because they are almost non-existent. Sharyl Attkisson, of Tampa, Florida fame, comes to mind, but that's about it. The term 'investigative reporter' has become an oxymoron except when a conservative is the target, then it's balls to the wall.

  5. Throwing the first mixed race president under the bus for the crimes and skullduggery that happened on his watch and with his knowledge and approval would be -- well it would be racist and possibly Islamophobic as well.

  6. LL: Yes, in other words, 'it ain' nevah gon happin allah willin.'

  7. It is sad to watch the media have darlings and protect them. That's not supposed to be what they are there for.
