
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Today's FBI

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September

It seems that today's FBI has been very busy lately doing... other stuff.


  1. Why am i only saddened but not surprised?

  2. It seems the FBI and many other federal agencies are more interested in taking down our president than doing the job they were hired to do. I don't blame this on the rank and file, I blame this on their leadership. They have the agenda.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Sadly the FBI will never again have the public trust it once enjoyed because...politics and they got caught.

  4. Asleep at the switch when it counts... intriguing to take down the American Presidency... That's the FBI.

  5. Messymimi: That's a good way of putting how many of us feel.

  6. Sandee: A fish rots from the head down and there is much rot in the top echelon of the Bureau.
    I'm sure there are plenty of Agents who adhere to the principles of Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity and are mortified by the actions of the bad apples.

  7. Jan: I hope you're wrong, but I fear that you're right.

  8. LL: It's not easy being corrupt, you know, keeping all the lies straight, intimidating others to keep quiet, etc.. They can't be everywhere.
