
Wednesday, March 07, 2018


Sweden Finds Trump Was Right On Immigration, Gang Violence

Too little, too late, don't you think?

Yet another cautionary tale, but will America listen?


  1. A jot of us are listening and we don't mind the names we are being called, not at all.

  2. I've been listening long before Trump. All you have to do is see what's happening elsewhere to see that some folks don't need to come here. I wonder if it's too late? I hope not.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Would you invite a pack of wolves into your home and expect them to behave? They'll eat everything you have, tear apart the sofa and the beds, crap and piss on everything. Then they'll eat you.

    The analogy may be insulting to Muslim savages, but it's apt and on point.

    The Swedes, who put their trust in the common humanity of Muslim savages, chose poorly. Now, the only thing that they can do is to deport them or make laws that will allow their deportation based on general principles. The Norwegians were smarter and began deporting the very few that they let in two years ago. I've followed this closely through friends of mine in the Norwegian security service. The Swedes have a genuine mess on their hands.

  4. Jan: I agree. It's time we stopped running away from the untrue names they're calling us. I think we should become more vocal about it.

  5. Sandee: Like you, I hope it's no too late. We have enough home grown dirt bags without importing more.

  6. LL: My heart breaks for the lovely Swedish people. Their naivete made them prey for the moslem hordes they sought to help. God help the Swedes for their foolishness.

  7. Some will listen, but unless they are the right ones, it won't do any good.

  8. The only effective thing to do with moslem vermin is Close the mosques, refuset o recognize islam as a 'religion', and send the moslems out of you country. I don't see America ever doing that. I'd hate to be a kid today.

    Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia have this figured out. The Netherlands has Geert Wilders, but they did not vote for cultural survival last time.
