
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Robots, Robots Everywhere

Army Researchers Developing A Self-aware Robot Squid You Can 3D Print In The Field-Aware Robot Squid

I wanted a robot side-kick when I was a kid, but not a squid pal.


  1. Releasing half a dozen robotic squid into the bath while you're splashing about seems to be somehow - diminishing. Now, if you had a hot tub/jacuzzi and it was a co-ed college toga affair, the robot squid would be a LOT more interesting. Maybe it's the venue that matters with these robot buddies?

    I'm sure a PhD somewhere will write a paper on the effect of releasing them into the ocean at this or that nude beach in Florida.

  2. LL made me laugh out loud.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  3. LL: You would bring shokushu goukan into the equation. Co-ed college toga indeed.

  4. I didn't take it as far as shokushu goukan, and neither did I suggest that the robotic squid could be used with Kinbaku/shibaru, but it might work - I'm not saying that it wouldn't - if you're Japanese? I'd need to canvas Mainland Japanese (overseas Japanese don't count) to see if it might be an option. Different people roll in different directions.

  5. LL: Yes you did. It's unfortunately what I thought upon reading your comment.
    Now I gotta go to confession.

  6. We're doing Dim Sum tomorrow. I'll eat as many of these as I can.

  7. I couldn't get the article to open but, like the others, LL's comments made the post very interesting. I will never know the real reason for squid robots.

  8. Show of hands - who else likes to bathe in fried calamari??? Bueller?

  9. I LOVE fried calamari...bathing in it? Not so sure !:-) I can't get the article open, either

  10. LL: Yes, different strokes...

  11. Ed Bonderenka: I'm ready to drop this subject.

  12. Granny Annie: Squid robots can squeeze into small spaces.

  13. Z: I have repaired the link, if you're still interested. Me, I'm ready to drop this whole subject.
