
Saturday, May 05, 2018

Drinko De Mayo

I think Cinco De Mayo is just an excuse for Americans to drink prodigious amounts of tequila.


[The BLOG editorial note: Some of you might remember this photo from 2016. And yes, the sombrero did belong to daughter #1.]


  1. Not a fan of tequila. Okay, most hard liquor I don't care for. A Bloody Mary now and then and that's about it. Now for champagne...that's another story.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. A tiny battle most Mexican's didn't even bother to celebrate until the American beer companies and the tequila makers got their mitts on it.

    Our shelter has the Cinco De Meow Bowling Tournament each year as a fundraiser.

  3. Sandee: I used to drink tequila when I was younger, but it had a tendency to sneak up on me, so I gave it up. Nowadays I prefer vodka cocktails when I drink, but with pasta, only red wine will do. Cold beer goes with football and pizza. And If I were at the Kentucky Derby today, I'd be drinking a little whiskey.

    I guess you can say that my drinking is situational.

  4. Messymimi: That's the Battle of Puebla Day. And you're right about the alcohol producers. Always follow the money.

    Cinco de Meow Bowling at the shelter. I wish I could attend.

  5. Cube, I stopped drinking tequila because of the sneak up factor. I can do a few Margs though.

  6. That hat is cultural appropriation and I think that is a felony. The fact that you CLAIM it was from a previous celebration of the battle everyone in Mexico forgot is no excuse for this sort of politically incorrect behavior.

    In fact, I would maintain that gringos who drink tequila or Corona or XX are also misappropriating Mexican culture. I am also noting that Cuban culture is NOT the least bit Mexican culture.

    The whole cultural melange can be very confusing. It's sort of like people who change their gender every day or so and switch between races. Doing that may ALLOW me to drink a margarita if I tell people that I'm now a Mexican, having changed my race for the day. I may still do that when I go out to dinner. Or, if I go to PF Chang, I'll be Chinese. Living in 2018 is complicated.

  7. Kid: Oh, I never gave up on Margaritas. I gave up tequila shots because they go down way too easy and they sneak up on you way too fast.

  8. Exactly, the straight stuff. Sober one second, total goner the next.

  9. Some folks up here lit firecrackers at 11 pm!
    Hope your drink was tasty! mine was a kahlua sombrero!

  10. No cervezas or margaritas or mint julips this time, just some cabernet and the Kentucky Derby marathon coverage over here.

  11. LL: Cultural appropriation is illustrative of yet another liberal/prog notion that is riddled with inconsistency and illogical thinking. If we were to adhere to it, we would have to give up calculus and algebra because we could be accused of cultural appropriation of ancient Greece, China and the Middle East.

    Oh, please.

    And you're darned right that Cuban culture is NOT the least bit Mexican culture. Cuban tacos are non-existent ;)

    Letting ourselves be led by liberal "logic" is one of the reasons why it's so frustrating to navigate the cultural melange of 2018. The solution to the problem is to ridicule the silly left/prog notions until their collective heads explode, figuratively, I might add, hence the sombrero and this Cinco de Tequila post circa 2014

  12. Snaggle Tooth: My night was actually quiet and boring, but ohh, Kalua sombrero sounds interesting. What's in it?

  13. DaBlade: I don't know how you can justify drinking cabernet during the Kentucky Derby. Shame on you ;)

  14. I know. Maybe why I'm so scrambled and a rule breaker :)

  15. DaBlade: No biggie. Just a misdemeanor ;)

  16. St Patrick's Day...any excuse to drink and call it mulii- culturalism

  17. Jan: I'm not Irish, but have been referred to as an 'honorary' one on more than once occasion. It's all good.
