
Friday, June 29, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... cats and a human who have watched the news recently.

Freaked Out Americans Desperately Seek To Escape the News

It's not because of Trump, it's because of the slanted and biased NEWS.

Try to have a happy Friday everybody. I know, it's not easy.


  1. They are destroying themselves in my opinion. When Hollyweird and the media hate our president this much you know the president is doing a GREAT job.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. Sandee: It's insanity. We're self-employed and we're having to turn down work. The economy is booming. Who can be against lots of work and keeping the country safe?

  3. Cube, I'm picking up work as well. Last year was an exceptional year and if all goes well, this year will be as well. If Barack or Hillary were in office, the situation would be very different. The eight miserable years of Obamanation are over and Trump is governing like a Tea Party conservative. Because of that the rising tide of prosperity will float all boats.

    The Democrats are terrified because black and hispanic (grievance) unemployment are at an ALL TIME low, and conditions are getting better. If they can't keep the poor on the plantation, voting for empty promises, what are they good for?

  4. LL: We've seen our share of hard times, but right now we can't manage all the work that is coming in because too much of the work is high skilled and we can't hire a Joe Schmoe to do it. Much of our work is fixing other people's mess ups and it takes a craftsman to do that. It makes my husband crazy to turn down work 'cause when you're self-employed you do the work when it's there - no vacations allowed while there's work to be done.

  5. The photo is really creepy! I won't be able to sleep. :)

  6. Ramona: Which one? They're both pretty creepy.

  7. Iused to be a news junky, now i'm an ostrich.

  8. Life without a TV, and only listening to news headlines, is good.

  9. My news reading is pretty much restricted to and, whatfinger being my fav since it has lots of content and is updated throughout the day.

    Yea, too much news is either a lie or what 'person 1 said to person 2 and what person 2 said back to person 1'. Childish high school girl bratish crap.

    I only wait for things to happen and only interested in same. Cuts out a Lot of noise.

  10. PS, I never watch news on TV and hardly watch TV anyway.

  11. I recently checked on two outrageous Facebook posts and learned both were fake news. When I brought it to the attention of the posters I received angry responses of "prove it". I thought the research I forwarded to them was proof enough. What did they want?
