
Thursday, June 07, 2018

Good Riddance

Ryan Undercuts Trump On Russia At Fraught Moment

With Republicans like Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan, we don't need democrats,


  1. It's been a rough road for many in the GOP. Many in the GOP need to switch sides. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Sandee: I hear you. The Washington swamp runs deep. Real deep.

  3. Too manyy Republicans are reading too many newspapers

  4. The Swamp self-perpetuates and it's a way for politicians to become wealthy while in office, while dragging the sack back home for contributions. Ryan presided over it. And it corrupts everyone it touches. President Trump doesn't need their money or their shady back room deals and it upended the apple cart for both Democrats and Republicans.

    Imagine if we end up demobilizing the Eighth Army in Korea. Look at all those Americans that would be put out of work.

  5. Showing their true colors. aren't they.

  6. Lyin Ryan and Mitch McChuckles Leaving would make for a positive. I always knew Ryan was just like Boehner or worse.

    McTurtle definitely gotta go. He is the main obstructionist along with his pool boy Ryan.

  7. Jan: I haven't read a newspaper in years. My husband gets on my case for watching HLN (Headline News) every morning (HLN is a sister network to CNN). He doesn't understand that I have to know what the enemy is doing every day. Besides I like the anchor.

  8. LL: That the DC apple cart is upended is a wonderful thing.

  9. Messymimi: Yes, ugly colors.

  10. Ed Bonderenka: Yes, buh bye.

  11. No one is getting along, just causing more trouble. Just get the important stuff done already politicians!

  12. Mark Levin called Trey Gowdy the Speaker's sock puppet (or something close to that)... His reputation as some conservative bulwark is undeserved. The entire GOP leadership are statist progressives. Life after Trump doesn't look good.

  13. Snaggle Tooth: Trump has done some amazing things in his first year as president. It looks to me as the people who expected Hillary to win are the angry haters. I feel just fine.

  14. DaBlade: I don't get Gowdy's big conservative reputation either. They've got to have some FBI files on him to keep him in line.
