
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Live Kitty Cam

I've been watching the antics of the adorable Tiny Kittens live web cam.

Be warned... it's a real time waster.


  1. How fun. I linked this post to Tuesday Fun. Time waster yes, but there are worse things to waste your time on.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. That is so cute. Gotta love kittens even if it is a time-waster.

  3. would LOVE to see this but all I get is the red line all the way to the right and them sleeping...:-(

  4. Sandee: You're right. There are worst ways to spend time.

  5. Marti: It's cute when they all lie on their Grandpaw on the blue couch. He's so patient with them.

  6. Z: You can click on live version or you can click on the red line which is the time line and move it back or forward. They're on PST so you can really watch up to minute if you click on the live button. Sometimes they sleep but when they're playing, it's utter chaos.

  7. They are asleep right now. We used to have a live cam for the juvenile room at the shelter (cats from 4-8 months), but the kittens kept destroying it, no matter how high we put it or how we protected it!

  8. Messymimi: I admit it's boring when the kittens are asleep, but it's hilarious when all perch on Grandfather Mason. I never knew male cats were all that tolerant of kittens, but to see how Mason acts, it's obvious that even a feral cat is capable of doing so.

    I've only been watching a few days and there have already been some mishaps due to kitten activity, but so far they've made this shelter work for quite a while. The sad thing is to have to say goodbye to the little darlings when they get adopted.

  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, reminds me of our kitten fostering days.

  10. Kid: What a trip that must've been. The closest we've come is the year we bought our first house and didn't have a pot to piss in, both of our cats got pregnant at roughly the same time. We had eleven kittens running around. There was little money but tons of joy. We kept two and managed to give away the rest. It was sad to see them go.

    We never wanted to repeat the sadness of giving away those kittens, so we found the money and had the moms spayed. Lesson learned. Never again.

  11. Messymimi: At around 5 PM EST there was an outbreak. They broke out of the compound, but they spared the kitty cam.

  12. I'm still hooked on this kitten site. You should be too.
