
Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Happy Independence Day

A happy and safe Fourth of July to all.


  1. Happy Independence Day. I hope you all party like it's 1776.

  2. LL: I will party happily today because lately it looks like we're moving in the direction our Founding Fathers envisioned for the country.

  3. The experiment in self rule is still working.

  4. Happy Independence Day! ♥

  5. Jan: It went off the tracks there for a bit, but thanks to the election of 2016, it's chugging along again.

  6. LL! That is FUNNY!
    Happy day, folks....we have a lot more to celebrate today than we did two years ago, don't we!

  7. Z: I'm feeling hopeful, hope that you feel as well.

  8. Yea, Hope y'all had a good time. We did. Lots of pool time today with the Beagle in a life jacket. And margheritas for moi.
    Smoked Ribs coming up.

  9. Hope you and your family had a lovely day!

  10. Kid: Wait, margaritas AND a beagle in a life jacket... clearly, I was at the wrong party. We had the pool, and we had ribs and burgers, but unfortunately, we had no beagles in or out of a life jacket.

    We had a beautiful day and when it started to pour in the late evening, we, being Floridians who know the summer drill, made the best of it.

    I do want to hear more about the Beagle.

  11. Messymimi: I hope you and yours did as well :)

  12. I have a longer, more recent vid but it is not cooperating. This should do

    Webster came to us as a foster. Bottom line is we ended up with him. We had him for a couple years when all of a sudden, (as the doc explains) one of the disks in his spinal chord calsified and a piece broke off and got between his vertebra and the spinal chord rendering him without the use of his back legs.
    No tears. He has a heck of a good time and currently has 3 cats to play with and who all love him and spend time with him.

  13. cube, actually I do not feel as optimistic as many of you do. I sure wish I did! xx

  14. Kid: Oh no, poor little Webster. It's great that he gets some freedom in the pool. Thank goodness he has such a loving family to care for him.

  15. Z: I can understand your hesitance, but please try to understand our point of view that after so many years of feeling that the values our country held dear were swirling down a toilet, we found hope again in Trump. It's not just his words, it's his actions.

  16. Sorry so late to the blog party but I was making merry yesterday. Had a great time with family over for a cookout and pool party. But it is always about my beautiful granddaughter Charlotte Rose! LOVE her so much! (and another on the way! :) BTW, Webster is THE MAN! He looks more buoyant in his life jacket than I do after several beers and a pool noodle.

  17. Cube,
    A belated Happy 4th to you, my friend.

    We have been very busy enjoying D.C. during this holiday. My blogmaster Warren has been visiting us, and this is his first time being in D.C. for Independence Day. Too bad it was too hot to join the crowds on the National Mall.

  18. Cube, imagine how even better he'd do if the language was TOUGH but no name calling, not saying things that aren't true, etc?

    AND CUBE...AM TAKING YOU TO BLOGGER COURT IF YOU EVEN SUGGEST I'M A 'CATSUP ON HOT DOGS' GIRL :-) HAAA!! XXX I think you misread my comments at my it again :-)
    and yes, this is all in fun but I am a "NO CATSUP" disciple!

  19. DaBlade: So glad that you and yours had a lovely day. I can only wish for the day that I can have beautiful grandchildren, like your Charlotte Rose, to spoil. You are definitely a lucky man.

    Webster sounds like a real character, one I'd love to know.

  20. AOL: I'm so glad you're having a good time. Sorry the weather didn't cooperate, but A/C can't be too far away. Cheers and raise a glass for me.

  21. Z: Lol. Trump is Trump. There's no changing him now and why would we want to hobble a winning horse?

    Let me make this clear, I'm not going to bring you up on charges at the Hague Court over your insistence over using catsup on hot dogs. You are free to put whatever condiment you want on your hot dog.
