
Monday, September 17, 2018

No, This Is America!

‘This Is Hialeah!’ Taco Bell Employee Refuses To Help Client Who Doesn’t Speak Spanish

I don't live in Miami, but I've seen signs of this ethnic behavior creeping into my community for years. This insanity has to stop.


  1. Strangely enough, I haven't seen that in California. You Floridians don't want to "get ahead" of California on any form of progressive behavior.

  2. LL: That is strange. I don't know what part of California you're familiar with, but just recently I read about a high school where Students Told to Stop Chanting “USA! USA!” At High School Football Game Honoring 9/11 Because It’s ‘Racist' It's not an isolated case that raising the Mexican flag is more acceptable that the US flag.

    We have our problems, but I don't think Florida is anywhere near the progressive movement in California and I'd like to keep it that way.

  3. And she got fired. That's the sweet part about this story. In California it's pretty much Mexico. Many of the whites have packed up and moved to another state. Spanish is the first language in many areas of California.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. If you move to Mexico and want to live there, they expect you to learn Spanish, as they should. Equality, people. If you move here, learn English or don’t move here.

  5. Yea, as mentioned, bitch been fired. Arrrriba !

  6. Sandee: That's what I've heard about certain sections of California.

  7. Messymimi: If you move to Mexico and don't want to speak Spanish you'd better have lots of money and lots of security.

  8. I wonder if she has another job lined up or will join the welfare roll.

  9. LL: I think I'm missing something. Are we talking about the same Califorina?

  10. We had a very nice Chinese American gentleman in our golf league last year and he had a very thick Chinese accent. For a reason I don't remember (I think after a bad golf shot) he said, "I'm solly, but I don't spreak Splanish." He is no longer in the league but his quote has lived on in infamy every week. This reminded me of that so thanks :)

  11. DaBlade: Lol. Years ago, I was picking up my daughter early at the school desk and I heard a Korean father say, "Lolla people no pay," we've been using that phrase ever since.
