
Sunday, September 09, 2018

The American Way

Army Veteran's Apparel Line Counters Nike-Kaepernick Campaign With 'Just Stand' Shirt

I hope Nine Line Apparel is very successful.

I must say their model is way more attractive than Colon "isis-wannabe-look-a-like" Kaepernick's ugly mug.


  1. STAND FOR YOUR COLORS OR FIND ANOTHER FLAG - I think I've been dog whistled and triggered and I LOVE it! I share your sentiments exactly. Now I know what I want for Christmas.

  2. Colon related products don't appeal to me.

    If they did, I'd move to San Francisco, where colon related products line the streets.

  3. Love that shirt. Brilliant.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. I sure got tired of seeing colon's mug on news pages, or hearing about him. Now it will go on for who knows how long.. Cube blog accepted.

  5. As soon as i can, i will order a shirt from Nine Line.

  6. Anyone who would talk about oppression and be photographed wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt is a fool and so are his followers

  7. DaBlade: The scary thing is that if the liberal/prog condoned illegal immigration continues, we'll be outnumbered and our flag, anthem and nation will mean nothing. A high school in Santa Ana, California, was recently told not to chant, "USA, during a game because it was racist.
    We need the Wall and we need an intensive revision of current immigration laws, not sooner rather than later, but now.

  8. LL: In the '70s, I had a pair of robin egg blue Nike running shoes that I wore to pieces. They fit so well that I still remember them after all these years. Never bought another pair because they became too expensive for my college budget.

    Fast forward... a couple of years ago, my youngest daughter bought a pair of Nike shoes and she barely used them because they weren't comfortable. She gave them to me and I found them uncomfortable, too. I guess they've lost quality by outsourcing to North Korean slave labor, but they certainly still cost more than I wish to pay.

  9. Sandee: I'd spring for those products, too.

  10. Kid: I can't stand colon's face either. Why do I want to look at an unwashed, al-quida wannabe
    look-alike? Yuck.

  11. Messymimi: Yes, like I told Sandee, I'll gladly spring for these shirts.

  12. Jan: It's pathetic to see these commie wannabes wearing Castro and Che shirts when they have such a warped notion of these murderous thugs. We've allowed the educational system and the media to build up these monsters as heroes in their eyes.
