
Thursday, October 11, 2018

October Time

Gun Control Advocate Jamie Lee Curtis Becomes Icon For Armed Self-Defense In ‘Halloween’ Sequel

I found this very humorous.

Jamie Lee, I still love you, but a word to the wise... if you're an actor, leave politics to the politicians.


  1. I don't think Hollywood knows the difference between films and life

  2. an: Absolutely. Some of those I do excuse, but others just put themselves into a black pit. I had a calculus professor who used to say, "a word to the wise is sufficient," after whatever she was teaching. Sure enough, it was a pop quiz the next day. I learned that lesson. And I aced it.

  3. If the NFL, actors or the press are talking I'm not listening. They have nothing to say that I want to hear.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. Why they think everyone is entitled to their opinion i just do not understand.

  5. Well, all the good comments are taken :)

  6. I boycott Hollywood actors who are anti firearms activists and make films glorifying gun violence.

  7. We attend almost zero films. We will be seeing Gosnell this weekend though.

  8. I agree, cube. I do want to see this new Halloween movie though. Looks good!

  9. Comedy Plus: I haven't watched the NFL games in going on two years. I don't miss it at all and I have so much more free time. I see it as their loss and not mine.

  10. Messymimi: Exactly, we are all entitled to OUR opinion, but we're not entitled to THEIR opinion. Why they think THEIR opinion is more important than OURS I really can't say except that they don't think critically. Emotion doesn't cut it in the real world and it shows in their resultant policies.

  11. LL: I tend to avoid all movies. I like to wait for a DVD, if it's worthy of a watch The last one I saw at the theater was the midnight showing of the last Harry Potter film. I attended because someone unexpectedly dropped out and I took the ticket because I had read all the books and had watched all of the previous films and enjoyed them very much. I didn't expect the spectacle of the midnight show, but I ended up enjoying it all.

    Thinking back, the only recent-ish movie I miss not having seen was "Wonder Woman," because the version my daughter loaned me was Blue Ray and I still have DVD. I'm still looking forward to watching that whenever. I'll live.

  12. Adrienne: Good for you. I don't go to movie theaters much anymore, but I'll look for it in DVD.

  13. DaBlade: I liked the previous Halloween movie (H20) because Jamie Lee and her mother (of Psycho fame) were in it. I thought Laurie killed Michael. How can he possibly be back again? I'm getting tired of suspending disbelief on that. Still, like you, I do want to watch it, but
    I'll wait for it to come on Demand or DVD, but I'm not going to the theater for it.
