
Monday, November 12, 2018

Why Florida Election Fraud ?

A Look At Broward Elections Chief Brenda Snipes' Long history Of Trouble"

The Nation Is Watching Broward’s Election Chief. Here’s Some Troubling History

I would think this is enough incompetence to fire anybody, but surely, SURELY, this is even enough incompetence to fire a black woman for doing such an awful job .


  1. If she's a democrat and I'm sure she is, she won't get fired. I will say that whomever she is working for might be a bit worried right now.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. If she's a democrat????? Puleahse the fix is IN>

  3. Wow. Sometimes there are just no words.

  4. If people don't go to jail in Florida, they're gonna voter fraud us back to the stone age.

  5. New American Voting Laws: If Dems don't win by a landslide, count again. And again. Count until they win. Compliments of Ms. Snipes

  6. Why is it that only ballots that cast votes for Democrats are "found" days later?

  7. messymimi; Yes,sometimes there are dead times. Why shouldn't the dead vote? It's the democrats way to win. The Zombiee vote.
