
Thursday, December 27, 2018


The Reptilian Elite

Next they'll be telling me that the Earth is flat and there was no Moon landing 😉


  1. I'll be sitting next to you when that happens. I'm not buying it either.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. I accept that Hillary Clinton may indeed be a space alien of some reptilian origin. It's difficult to dispute that.

    There are flat Earth theorists, hollow Earth theorists, ancient alien theorists (who have a popular TV show), and fake Moon landing theorists. Most of them we dropped repeatedly on their heads when they were babies. Some were subjected to LSD experimentation. All of them are Democrats.

  3. LL+1
    The Flat Earth Society has members all over the globe.

  4. I've never met a conspiracy theory I didn't like* and this one is really fun

    * or believe

  5. Honestly, Sun Round, Moon Round, Earth Flat

  6. We know this country is in trouble when every stoopid magazine - libtoid all and to the core! - has Her Ugliness Moochie Obama on the cover and/or featured in a puff piece that is miles from the truth. It's really pathetic when even the pop/general "culture" magazines feature this total NOBODY - and, as you sadly pointed out, all the libtoid commies "swoon" and wish she were still Queen of DC!! Oh, she's "queen," alright, but not in any social circle I'd be caught dead in!!

  7. While i doubt that now i have heard everything, it certainly feels that way. My thinking is the same as that of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, intelligent life elsewhere has proven its intelligence by avoiding us.

  8. Oh Time Magazine, how far you have fallen.

    Hope you had a great Christmas! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  9. Sandee: "And the BS goes on..." to paraphrase the old Sonny & Cher song.

  10. LL: I don't think we need to implicate reptiles, of earth or alien origin. We all know homo sapiens are capable of extreme evil all on their own.

    I like to take Mark Twain's quote to heart, “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

  11. Ed Bonderenka: True, there are Flat Earth members all over the world, but there are also people who still believe in treppaning or trepanation. They can actually hurt themselves with their beliefs.

  12. Jan: Some can be interesting, but I am a hard critic to convince that they are real. I like to see forensic evidence and many don't have much of that.

  13. Kid: I know. If the earth were really flat, cats would've knocked everything off of it already.

  14. Joy Danials Brewer: Why does your comment lead me back to Komatsu Mining? If this is a mistake, please let me know.

  15. Messymimi: So true. My oldest daughter was a big Calvin & Hobbes fan, but it also came up on an episode of CSI. If you're smart, stay away from Earth.

  16. Jay Noel: Glad to see you're still kicking. We're the oldies, but goodies of the blogiverse 😉.

    Best holiday wishes to you and your family.
