
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cleopatra Retread

SJW’S Throw Tantrum And Demand Cleopatra Be Played By Black Actress

The bust above is believed to be that of the historical Cleopatra VII Philopater, African queen yes, but of Greek origin not African.

Facts be damned with the lib/progs.


  1. Facts mean nothing to many anymore.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Ptolemy wasn't a negro,and neither was Alexander Hamilton. Maybe if the progs read history instead of "reimagining history", they'd learn something.

  3. Sandee: Yes, don't confuse them with facts, reason, or logic because they know what they feel and that's all that matters.

  4. LL: I agree with both your points. The Ptolemeic era was insular to the point of incest in order to maintain their royal bloodline. Intermarriage with the locals wasn't approved of or even allowed. As for Hamilton, in his time, the high social status he achieved wouldn't have been possible had he been considered black.

    Revisionist history seems to be gathering steam with every passing year. Pretty soon every successful person will be black, white men will all be rapists, and Wakanda will be a real place, but it's location kept secret for their own good.

  5. Libs are 3 yr olds. Some more violent than others, but all just as stupid. Period.

    The Cortez chick in Congress has made statements that prove she only cares about feelings and self-esteem, the new major courses form Kindergarten through university. Facts don't matter - her words.

    Facts can't matter to her, she doesn't know any.

  6. Why would they even want to remake "Cleopatra"? It's been a bad movie the first 3 or 4 times.

  7. If they really want change, the facts are the only things on which to build it.

  8. Kid: Yeah, the Bug-Eyed Barbie is a real bonehead, but there are lots of boneheads out there that don't seem to object to her wackadoo statements. Luck must favor idiots 'cause at 29 she's earning $174,00 per year plus lots of perquisites.

  9. Yea..... the 174 grand didn't escape me. My retired lunch buddies and I have noted more than once we screwed up by not becoming 'federal workers'.

  10. Jan: I read that there were 25 Cleopatra movies made. I have only watched three (Theda Bara, Claudette Colbert, Elizabeth Taylor) and they were a waste of time. I agree that we don't need another one, especially not a politically correct revisionist version.

  11. Messymimi: The lib/progs say they want change, but they haven't thought it through because thinking isn't their forte. It's easier to go along with the other lemmings than to read, study and think.

  12. Kid: Yes, federal work. Who knew it would turn out to be such a gravy train? 🎵 I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger. Ooh la la la la 🎵

  13. I was a federal worker once.
    30 days annual vacation.
    Room and board.
    Green clothes free.
