
Saturday, February 09, 2019

No Blue Hats

... and Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and maybe Nevada and Colorado, too.

Sarcasm, yes, but if we listen to the democrats, the U.S. will be indistinguishable from a Third World country with all the poverty, corruption and disease that entails.

So, say no to what blue hats represent and don't forget to smirk while you're at it.



  1. Ed Bonderenka: Darn right! They're been in the dark side for too long.

  2. Make California America Again... I like it. Let's go with it.

  3. It's actually worse. Rats with fleas are running wild in LA civic buildings spreading 15th century diseases.

  4. I'm going to say if all the libs would move into those southwestern states and Secede from The USA, I'd be good widdit. Divorcing them is the only viable option at this point. Wall them into their Libtardia-land and tell them not to ask us for any money. Or anything else. Maybe we'd do food drops on occasion as Alex Cortez cries her eyes at the destruction and death she has brought upon Libtardia.

    Libs still infesting the real USA? No prob, just stop giving money to able-bodied, working age people. They'll self-deport to Libtardia.

  5. When my 20-something children agree that something is seriously wrong, then that gives me hope there is the opportunity still to change it. Creating two separate countries sounds like an idea worth exploring. Sadly.

  6. There's a move to Californicate the entire West. It must be resisted. Now that I'm gone they can build a big beautiful wall around The People's Republik of Kalifornia.
