
Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Not The Sharpest ...

Pencils produced in the 1990s with the anti-drug slogan "Too Cool to Do Drugs" were recalled because, when sharpened, they read "Do Drugs"

"Good intentions are not enough; they've never put an onion in the soup yet." ---- Sonya Levien



  1. That could easily be read as it is too cool to do drugs. Anyway - who reads pencils?

  2. Adrienne: I know what you mean. I'm too cool to use pencils, much less read them 😉

  3. Good grief. That wasn't thought out very well at all. Bless their hearts.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. You wonder how some people got their jobs. Clearly they didn't have to undergo any sort of IQ test. AND they never had kids.

  5. And since when does a slogan convince kids on an issue like this? We need more than slogans.

  6. Sigh. A 180-degree rotation of the text would have solved the problem.

    I'd like to think it was deliberate, but that "Hanlon's razor?" thing about stupidity being more likely than malice is probably the case.

  7. Not to worry. Gen-Z has it figured out. University is a waste of time and money. Trade School and Conservatism. Oghhhmmmm.

    Or not.
