
Monday, March 25, 2019

Dyspeptic Dems

The total reported cost of the Special Counsel's investigation through September 2018 was $25,215,853.00 and counting...

I'm not dyspeptic about the news, but I am bordering on apoplectic over the cost of this fake news witch hunt.

Oh, I'm hearing noise from the "#isn't-it-time-to-move-on-dot-org" crowd, but the answer to them is #NO WAY.

Now, let's go after the real witch and her minions.


[The BLOG note: H/T to Glenn Greenwald]


  1. I'm with you on this. It's time she and all those that helped her go to prison. Put her in Gitmo and hold a military trial. And all those that helped her. We'd clean the swamp and quick.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Saw that meme today and enjoyed it. 25 mil? Pffft. Bill Deblasio's ugly black wife can't account for 878 MILLION of tax money funded to her "women's mental health" thingamabob.

    Or how about michelle/michael's friend collecting 3/4's of a Billion for a non functional website for obammycare, that even if it worked should have only cost a few million.

    Course, then there's obammy spending 18 Trillion on nothing America.

    Sorry if I'm tossing a wet blanket here, but the scale of theft is truly unimaginable.

  3. Sandee: I'm with you on wanting to see an accounting of the evil doers. At this point, I don't care what it costs because the cost of not fixing this is infinitely worse than not fixing it all.

  4. Kid: Pffft is right. I saw this same meme and I think the amount is way understated. And it isn't just about Hillary because Obama is in this all the way up to his jug ears. Untying their illicit Gordian knot will be the quest of our time. It's rock and roll time.

  5. Let's hope Barr is on it.

  6. Mueller paid himself $1,200 an hour. Cronies received just a little less. He's proud of his value to the nation. Nobody suggests that the deep state is not well compensated.

    Kidd is correct, twenty-five (or thirty) million for a two year witch hunt is considered a bargain in DC.

  7. Kid: One of the things I thoroughly hate about conspiracy theories is that they don't ebb after the facts are in. I hope Barr is on the level, but he is only one man.

  8. LL: I would petition Dante Alighieri himself for a new circle in Hell for all of these evil doers, but he doesn't listen to me.

  9. Barr, Agree, who will toss themselves their family and friends into the volcano just to prosecute some human garbage. It's an Al Capone scenario * 100. Still without the rule of law, just as borders, we have no country.

  10. LL, did you see where federal agencies spent 97 BILLION on unneeded items, including personal items so they could maintain their budget amounts for the next spending bill... 97 billion.

  11. We should all be paying about 1 to 2% in income taxes (total) and not even be happy about that.

  12. Every day i hope there will be justice soon.
