
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Privileged Few

Inmate Punches Public Defender In Head During Court Hearing, Shocking Video Shows

Good news, criminal, you just might qualify for a Jussie deal.


  1. No, they don't have the celebrity to do that. They aren't gay either. Or have Soros money behind them. What a crock.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Sandee: He might be gay, but he's definitely black so he's farther along in the privilege chain than we are 😉

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think the Gay card trumps the Race card.

  5. Messymimi: It makes me wonder where all this insanity will lead.

  6. Ed Bonderenka: I think it does now, but this guy has hit the trifecta... gay, black, and with well-heeled friends of the lefty persuasion.

  7. Kid: Lol. I think that if we go by these insane democrat world views, Mochelle can be both simultaneously. Think about that.

  8. Cube, even I can't believe how far this country's going with this crap......RACE CARD, indeed....and GAY CARD is SO important. Smollett really hit the jackpot being gay AND Black....
    And they play on that and prey on that....benefit from it, whine about it, talk it up, want reparations for it, etc.
    And Conservatives just want everyone to have a good life and don't hurt anyone. And we're the nasty party, according to the Left?

  9. Z: It's insane. it's not just Race & Gay, but the WEALTH card. Juicy Stoillet has all three!!!
