
Thursday, July 04, 2019

Happy Fourth!


  1. Happy Independence day, my friend. ♥

  2. Sandee: Hope you two are celebrating on that boat of yours and watching the lovely skyrockets tonight. Fireworks are amazing on a boat.

  3. Ed Bonderenka: I just got this on my Twitter feed from the British Army: Happy #IndependenceDay to our American cousins! We may have burnt the White House down (Sorry) and you may not like our tea (Unforgivable), but blood is thicker than water - we are unbreakable 👯‍♂️


    #SpecialRelationship #GlobalBritain

    So I replied, Earl Grey, hot, please, just hold the taxes.

  4. Cube, Interesting from the Brits. I was there in 1990 and some high level people told me they believed America would be once again under British rule. Hell, now they can't even rule themselves.

  5. Kid: America under their rule? Sheesh. They can't rule themselves. Their liberal nonsense has allowed the moslems to take over their country. BTW I love how spellcheck always tries to correct me when I spell the word 'moslem ' this way.

  6. Hope you’ve had a wonderful Independence Day celebration!

  7. Messymimi: Well, today was quiet, but the fun begins tomorrow when both of my girls are going to visit. Family time is the happiest for us empty nesters.
