
Thursday, August 01, 2019

Sleepy Joe

Joe Biden: Criticism Of Obama During The Debate "surprised me"

Joe Biden must've been napping when the obama scandals happened.


  1. You forgot about the Acorn Scandal, but yes, there were a lot of them. Because Barack ignored them, he thinks that they didn’t happen. He was and is an empty chair and a Teleprompter

  2. I was surprised at the debate to find how conservative Obama now is.

  3. Bunch of idiots running for president on the left. The weirder and crazier the better.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. LL: Yes, the Acorn scandal should be on the list. Maybe they ran out of room because I'm sure we're still missing some. Truth is, his was the most opaque administration ever. Motto: if no one saw the scandal, then there was no scandal. Anyone of us would kill kill for the hall pass obama got for not just as president, but for his entire life.

  5. Jan: Yes, it's scary on how they want to double down on obama stupid.

  6. Sandee: I agree, as long as voter fraud doesn't help one of them win. Welcome to my nightmare.

  7. Score: Watergate 0.000001, obama Administration: 758,934,776,223 on the Richter scale.

    The truly depressing part of this is the number of democrat voter MORONS who will simply accept the no scandals BS.

  8. It must be a weird form of amnesia where if they forget, it never happened.

  9. Kid: I know we joke about it, but it's a serious thing. What happened around the 2016 election was way worse than Watergate. The left first blamed the russians and then, when caught, acted as though it was no big thing. Had this happened around a republican administration, it would've made Watergate look like a smear on a napkin. This is the biggest national political drama ever and the 'journalists' are all sitting on their hands. What does that tell you?

  10. Messymimi: Yes, I think it's called willfull amnesia.

  11. Tells me crime and corruption are way beyond our wildest imagination. Note that there is No Fear among any of these treasonous felonious bastards either. What does that say. It's been decades since anyone on the left paid for a crime.

  12. Kid: I think you're right. I can't believe I'm doubting the FBI, the CIA, etc., but I am. There needs to be a restructuring or no one will ever feel that these government entities will ever be fair again.

  13. Shooting at Obama, because that is also Michelle's name.

  14. Ed Bonderenka: Now that's as scary a thought as Hillary. Just because a man was president doesn't make his wife a viable candidate.
