
Saturday, September 07, 2019

No Mention Of Clintons

Remember when investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered in a car bombing in October 2017? I ran across this recent article about it in Forbes:

The Murder Of Daphne Caruana Galizia And The Issue Of Corruption in Malta

Not one word about the Clinton connection with the Panama papers.

If you want a more honest article about the death of this brave investigative journalist, read this one:

Maltese Journalist Who Published Clinton-Linked Panama Papers Dies In Car Bomb Explosion

It's an eye opener.


  1. Not enough eyes want to be opened, that's the sad part.

  2. Messymimi: Sadly yes, but they're afraid of ending up like this poor woman or Seth Rich. I'm concerned that the Malta connection will overshadow the Clinton connection. I think all of them should pay for their crimes.

  3. Don't I remember that the body count started in Arkansas with all these coincidences? Many Vince Foster questions were never explored.

  4. Yes, I remember that. I think that I was in Panama at the time. Naturally it was a coincidence, just like the Epstein suicide. At the time everyone blamed the Clintons but obviously they were wrong. They went on to establish the Clinton Foundation and everyone gave them money. They wouldn't do that if they were serial murderers, would they?

  5. Jan: Everything that I've read re: Foster's death comes up as either it was a totally clean suicide or a double shot homicide conspiracy. I actually went back and read some articles about this and I ran across some tangential information. From Vox, the Clinton White House Travel Office scandal was referred to as "fundamentally innocent conduct on the part of the Clinton administration." In reality they called in the FBI to look into financial irregularities of the staff when all they had to do was fire them and hire new staff. Why wreck the lives of these people? Yet I keep running into articles that minimize or completely dismiss the complicity of the long, evil fingers of the Clinton clan.

    I don't think we'll ever know the truth behind Vince Foster's death, but I've grown very skeptical over how the Clinton involvement in shady deals has been overlooked over the years.

    Just recently on Twitter I saw how Hillary is grooming Chelsea with some "gutsy" woman program. Juanita Broaderick chimined in with a wonderful tweet. Priceless.

  6. LL: I don't like coincidences. They may happen here and there on occasion, but I don't like them and I don't trust them. I think the Clintons were Arkansas low level, minor league thugs that scored the major leagues when they got the FBI files. The rest is history. Well, scrubbed history according to some.

  7. I used to think there were people protecting the clintons so that they'd stay in power and make things happen around the world like sending all our jobs to China and Mexico as one small example, but now that they no longer will have any power, I lean toward them directly employing a hit staff to take care of business. If these people don't go to hell I can't imagine who would.

  8. Kid: Absolutely. I think the Clintons are still very powerful evil thugs. They may not be in legal power right now, but they can still throw the rock and hide their hand. I can't prove how it happens, but I read articles that go out of their way to make excuses for the Clintons and then I read that Trump sneezes and it caused a climactic horrorfest. I would appreciate some honesty with our "free" press.

  9. It's completely out of bounds. I feel like I'm standing in front of a giant fire hose that is spewing BS.

  10. We don't have a "free press".
    They are all afraid of being suicided.
