
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Slam Dunk?

Today is Hillary's birthday.

Fellow tweeter, Catturd, brought to our attention that three years ago Hillary tweeted the above photo and captioned it, "Happy birthday to this future president."

I tweeted:

"Tales will be written and songs will be sung about the bullet this country dodged on that fateful November day in 2016."

Holy canoli. That tweet is dripping of narcissistic entitlement. Can you believe how earnestly she believed she'd win the election? Well, she did know the fix was in. Too bad for her, the deplorables didn't know that. 😁


  1. After that picture was taken her head rotated 360 degrees on her body and she started spewing some vile pea green liquid from her mouth.

  2. Kid: My take on this is that Hillary posts a photo of herself as a child on the birthday before the election that she is sure to win and then loses, a catastrophic loss in her eyes. I'm not a psychotherapist, but I do play one on The BLOG so here we go.

    This woman has become undone over this loss. It was not supposed to happen. The fix was in. What went wrong? I hope the government will punish those who were implicated in these shenanigans, but I don't believe all the culprits will be found.

  3. Cube, I agree the beast has gone very far off the rails. I agree her mental condition has gone from Satanic strategist to completely unhinged. Much further than would happen under normal (political SOP puke activity) happenings. Yea, the beast can't accept it, won't accept it, might even try a hit on DJT after he is re-elected next year. IMO, the White House had been viewed in terms of "It's my turn" for a long long time. DJT Totally destroyed that concept.

    Plus you got the self-preservation panic of the democrats. They're losing the blacks, Latinos and others who are now Working and making their lives better. The only ones still voting defecrat will be those who are rewarded financially, the losers, the terminally stupid, some of the alphabet people, and all the Jews who live in America. I don't think it is enough. It is why the defecrats are frantically trying to imports moslem vermin and South of the Border welfare queens to make up the slack.

    We'll see.

    Finally, Every other politician is referred to by their last name except the beast. Drives my nuts. Using someone's first name is like a term of endearment. I truly wish the world would start saying Clinton instead of H-------. Bill hasn't been relevant in years so we all now who we are talking about. I know, I won't get my wish so I scan news headlines with squinted eyes......... I'm thankful when pictures of the beast are not included.

  4. PS, I think the reason McCain was so off the rails wasn't because DJT said he didn't consider him a "hero", it was because McCain was assured it would be "His Turn" at the White House. Absolutely believe that.
    Good Thing that concept has been broken if only temporarily.

  5. She was anointed queen. Her party cut Bernie's throat to clear the way for her. She was entitled. It was her moment. She bought $3 million in fireworks. Then she lost (hahaha).

  6. Kid: You bring up a very good point when you mentioned "My Turn." I'm remembering when it was Bob Dole's turn. Then it was George Bush's turn. Then it was John McCain's turn. Trump broke that pattern and the left and many on the right don't like that.

  7. LL: Kid made the excellent point about it's "My turn," only in this case it involves the democrats. Same dynamics. It was her turn and somehow it was overturned. I don't think she'll ever get over the loss. It will haunt her to her death. I think the same thing happened to McCain.

  8. I can't stand to look at the beast, but I would Pay for a video of the clinton party room on election night when it was certain DJT won.

  9. Finally, how many people know how this stuff works, as in clinton made a deal with obama to let him be president while she raked in serious cash selling the State dept to anyone who wanted access, then after obama it would be clinton. I think very few under the age of say 45 have the slightest clue that the federal government is the biggest crime organization in the world.

  10. Kid: Lol. Oh yes, I, too, would pay big money to be a fly on the wall of the Clinton campaign party room in 2016. I think there may have a few lamps flying across the room.

    I agree that not enough people know what's going on in government, but there are still plenty of good people left to pick up the pieces once this debacle goes to the courts where it belongs.

  11. Kid: Yes. I hope I'll live to see it.
