
Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Unimpressed Chloe

You may not know her name, but you know her face:

Girl From Unimpressed Chloe Meme Is Now Seven

But her meme and emoji will be three forever.


  1. How fun. That was some expression. Love it.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  2. Sandee: Yes, she has some serious side-eye. Priceless look.

  3. I think she gave this look after hearing AOC speak for the first time

  4. She looks a bit distressed to me. What an interesting thing to be famous for.

  5. Kid: This kid was not easy to impress. Had she heard that donkey's braying, she would've started to projectile vomit in the backseat of that SUV.

  6. Messymimi: Chloe had just been told they were going to Disney World and this was her expression. Like I told Kid, she is not easy to impress. Meanwhile her sister burst into tears of joy when she heard the news.

    Yes, I agree about it being an interesting thing to be known for and, unfortunately for her, the Internet is forever. She'll be distressed about it in time.

  7. Well. I learned something.
    I didn't know she had a name.
    Well, I assume she had a name, but a NAME.

  8. "Chloe had just been told they were going to Disney World and this was her expression."
    I LIKE this child! My parents took me to Disney World when I was eight or so, apparently because they believed that that's what good parents must do. I didn't want to go: couldn't (and still can't) stand that annoyingly perky and squeaky do-gooder Mouse, and was disgusted by the foolishness of The Jungle Book (1967 animated movie). Plus, I objected that orangutans don't live in India (I was a rather literal child.) Only years later did I discover that the actual stories by Kipling are wonderful.

    "She'll be distressed about it in time."
    Maybe for a brief while, but she should own it and be proud ;-)

  9. Ed Bonderenka: I know what you mean. I had seen this meme for years and it was nice to know the backstory.

  10. Mike: Sounds like the three of us are birds of a feather. I thought Mickey et al were goody-two-shoes and much preferred the instigator wabbit, Bugs Bunny. Bugs World, now there's a theme park I would've been excited about visiting.
