
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What A Good Girl!

Meet Conan, The Military Working Dog Who Ran Down Baghdadi

I know some people will say that I'm partial to cats. Well, I want them to know that I love dogs just as much as I love cats.


  1. What a good girl indeed.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Sandee: Conan did her job well. There's talk about her going to the White House.

  3. Kid: If Chuck Norris were a dog, he'd be a Belgian Malinois like Conan.

  4. SiGraybeard: Thanks for the mention.

  5. Messymimi: I've never had a Belgian Malinois, but I can sure vouch for another wonderful working dog, German Shepherds. I've had five in my life.

  6. Ed Bonderenka: You're right. I read at SiGraybeard's blog that they searched through her internet history & yearbooks. Also, according to the Babylon Bee, "CNN found a picture of the Hero Dog partying at obedience school. In the picture, the dog is seen sniffing a butt without consent." It's getting harder to tell satire from news everyday.
