
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Athletes And Celebutrds

It's time they knew how little they influence our real lives.


  1. But - but - don't you want to be a Kardashian with a tranny daddy?

  2. Recall LeBron James' recent statement: "I'm too important to society..."

    Don't try to tell THEM that they are not needed. It will fall on deaf ears.

  3. It's time to simply make them unimportant. Most people won't do that, though.

  4. Kid: It's a sick culture that considers them heroes over the real heroes.

  5. LL: Lol. The short answer is NO.

  6. Fredd: I had not heard that statement, but I had often felt that his attitude was over the top. "King" James was letting the king thing go to his already over-sized head. It made him think he knew how to tell the rest of us how to live and how to vote.

  7. Messymimi: It's hard to ignore that some of those people are talented and produce good movies and books. Case in point, Stephen King. He's got a big mouth about politics, but he tells good stories. Celebutards like the Kardashians, who produce NOTHING, are easier to ignore.
