
Sunday, February 02, 2020

Ground Hog Day

I wouldn't bet against Punxsutawney Donald.


  1. Creepy, corrupt, old, Slow Joe Biden has been making the rounds on the campaign trail telling his supporters that he's old, frail, and may die in office, which is why he wants Michelle Obama as his VP.

    Bernie is promising the Moon and the stars to the bro's - and he has no idea whether there is enough money in circulation in the entire world to pay for it.

    Bloomie is promising to buy a Cadillac for anyone who votes him in as king.

    Hillary will attend the DNC Convention in the hope of being drafted.

    I'd say that Donald Trump has a shot.

  2. @LL - Ah,the master of understatement!

  3. Winning.
    Over and over.
    I got you babe.

  4. If it isn't a landslide then this country was already gone and we missed it.

  5. LL: Biden has never been the brightest bulb in the lamp, but he's really out of his mind if he's entertaining the thought of MO as his VP. Having that beast in office would be a global disaster.

    I think the Trump era has done much to expose democrat shenanigans and more & more people are started to see through their socialist plans. So I agree that Trump has a shot in November.

  6. Ed Bonderenka: To quote Hillary's affected southern accent, "Ah'm nowhere's near being tahrd..." of winning, that is. I don't play to lose.

  7. Kid: True. It is comforting to see Trump fill vast arenas and have to install Jumbotron screens for those who couldn't get in to the rally. And people were camping out for two nights in order to get into the Jersey rally. Jersey! So there's hope for 2020.
