
Sunday, March 08, 2020

Ahead Of Time

True story. This morning my husband was about to Google how to change the time on his watch when he realized he had a watch with the old time and decided to wear it instead.

Yes, he probably has more watches than I have shoes.


  1. That's an easy solution. Two sets of watches.

  2. My alarm clock changes itself for daylight savings. If we can abolish this nonsense I'll have to adjust it manually.

  3. LL: Just two? My husband has more watches than I have shoes.

  4. Kid: It may be the last year we have to put with this nonsense. I don't care which one we pick, I just want one picked and we stick with it.

  5. I have a few watches and never wear one.

  6. Years ago, i couldn't figure out how to change the clock in the car, so i just left it and adjusted in my mind when it was wrong. It's starting to look like i'll have to do that again in this car, too.
