
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another Bogus Memo?

All 55 Republican senators say they have never seen the Terri Schiavo political talking-points memo that Democrats say was circulated among Republicans during the floor debate over whether the federal government should intervene to prolong her life.

A survey by The Washington Times found that every Republican said the memo was not crafted or distributed by him or her. Every one of them said he or she had not seen it until the memo was the subject of speculation in major news organs, particularly ABC News and The Washington Post.

Some Democratic spokespeople say news outlets have investigated and authenticated the memo and that it came from Republican sources, however, they do not respond to a request to name the newspaper or network that had "authenticated" the memo.

What's next...that we find out the memo was typed on a 1972 IBM Selectric?

Was Marla Mapes in the building?


  1. Okay, I have to ask... What the hell is a boatbanger?

  2. Don't know...
    And I don't want to know.

    Anyone know how I can erase this garbage from my blog?


  3. I just figured out what the trash icon is for...nevermind.

