
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Mr. Evil

click here for larger picture
and the full story of Clinton and his cabinet monkeys...

Former Clinton national security adviser and Kerry campaign adviser Sandy "I'm evil" Berger, for lying after stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives -- in an apparent attempt to alter the historical record on terrorism, no less -- will get a small fine and slap on the wrist. He will pay $10,000 and get no jail time.

Martha Stewart was scrubbing toilets in prison for less.

One can only speculate as to why the Department of Justice would agree to such lenient terms for such a serious offense. What favors were called in or who got squeezed and with what is unknown. One thing is certain, the Clinton administration is still emitting the foul stench of corruption.

An honest mistake? Not a chance.

[The BLOG hat tip to aaron's cc for the monkey pic]