
Thursday, October 27, 2005

The BLOG Worth

My blog is worth $2,258.16.
How much is your blog worth?

I don't know how they arrive at this figure, but there it is... $2,258.16

Not bad for an insignificant microbe in the Blogosphere Ecosystem... or is it?


  1. Better than both of mine put together - an amazing $0.00 combined.

    I never said I was in it for the money.

    By the way, I know the main part missed you, other than that I hope the rest of the weather misses you too.

  2. That's interesting, I'll go try it and post it to mine...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Well this comment should be worth at least another dollar.

  5. cary: It would be nice if I could receive some remuneration from blogging. Yeah, really nice, but not bloodly likely. Mostly we're all in it for the glamor.

    tlm: I just checked again & The BLOG is still worth $2258.16! At least your comment didn't detract from my net worth.

  6. Strangely enough mine returned a number--namely, 5, 080. 86. I haven't looked in to how they come up with these warped values. Have you?

  7. mine is worth hmmmm... $0.00 however i was stunned to find that my moms was also worth $0.00 oh well, thats like 500 bucks canadian isnt it?

  8. As far as I'm concerned, it's a black art. I have no idea how they arrive at a dollar figure.

  9. Never underestimate the value of kitty cats photographed in unusual poses! They're a gold mine.

  10. I'm afraid if I went there, they'd post a bill saying my blog is so bad I owe money...


  11. You might be surprised at the results...I was. Besides, if you don't try, we might start calling you chickenwoman.
