
Friday, October 07, 2005

Silly Cat Tricks

For Cat Blog Friday: We are teaching the new kittens how to cope with life in our loud and busy household. At first, all they did was scamper off and hide for hours. With every passing day, they are interracting with us more and more. For kittens, it's all about the play.


  1. Fun & frolic!
    I hope the kittens haven't scratched anyone since they are still somewhat scared.
    Cat scratches are worse than paper cuts.

  2. I've got scratches all over my legs & hands. It's all from play, though, not fear. They do love to play.

  3. i love cats. i have had a few in my life, and my mom has had a million (all with appropriately cute names... like her blind kittie being named Braille) kittens are great and i keep trying to get my wonderful husband (the jerk) to let me have a new one, but he says NO WAY, the might scratch the baby. what a bum, huh.

  4. OMG! Three kittens! I could never handle it. Really!

  5. Helen, we have 2 kittens & 2 adult cats. The kittens entertain each other, too, so it's not bad. We enjoy having the little hellions running around the house.
